
Join us as we say goodbye to those we have loved and lost.

Bill Allen

Posted by on Dec 30, 2014 in Deceased | 0 comments

Bill Allen

Bill Allen passed away Saturday, December 27, 2014.

Bill Allen

Catherine Klein

Posted by on Dec 23, 2014 in Deceased | 0 comments

Catherine Klein, Joe Klein’s wife, passed away around the beginning of December 2014.

William Harold Mann Sr

Posted by on Oct 23, 2014 in Deceased | 6 comments

William Harold Mann Sr., 77, joined Our Heavenly Father Sunday, Nov. 30, 2008 at his residence in Bandera. He was born to the late Herman and Elsie Mann of San Antonio. William was an United States Army veteran and also an ex-POW of the Korean War. He retired from Civil Service at Brooks Air Force Base in 1997.
Submitted by his daughter, Melanie Mann Jewell through our Facebook group.

Wayman Elliott Simpson (Big Simpson)

Posted by on Oct 17, 2014 in Deceased | 0 comments

Wayman Elliott Simpson (Big Simpson)

Wayman Elliott Simpson (Big Simpson) was promoted to Glory on 12 October 2014 at Lawton Oklahoma. He was 94 years of age and the oldest or the Tiger Soldiers. He was born in April of 1920.

Simpson was assigned to B Battery of the 63 Field Artillery Battalion of the 24th Infantry Division during the Occupation. He went with his unit to Korea in Early July 1950. He was further assigned as a Forward Observer with L Company of the 34th Infantry Regiment of the 24th Division. He was captured on 7 July 1950 and released on 30 August 1953. He was interned with the Tiger Survivors in North Korea.

During WW 11 he was assigned to the British Army in North Africa.
He was probably the tallest POW in our group and was known as Big Simpson.

Submitted by Shorty Estabrook