Reunions under Korean War POW/MIA, Family, Friends
2016: St. Louis, KY | 2017: St. Louis, KY |
The Korean War Ex-POW Association held its final reunion in 2014. The Hawaii mini-reunion in April, which is organized by Nick had its last reunion in 2009.
1976: Louisville, KY 1977: Nashville, TN 1978 – 1982: Louisville, KY 1983: Dayton, OH 1984: Memphis, TN 1985: Rochester, NY 1986: Portland, OR | 1987: St. Louis, MO 1988: Norfolk, VA 1989: Evansville, IN 1990: Baton Rouge, LA 1991: Denver, CO 1992: Macon, GA 1993: Baltimore, MD | 1994: Bloomington, MN 1995: Sacramento, CA 1996: Schaumburg, IL 1997: Knoxville, TN 1998: Portland, OR 1999: Macon, GA 2000: Spokane, WA | 2001: Louisville, KY 2002: Oklahoma City, OK 2003: King of Prussia, PA 2004: Ft. Mitchell, KY 2005: San Antonio, TX 2006: Nashville, TN 2007: Charleston, WV | 2008: Denver, CO 2009: St. Louis, MO 2010: Oak Brook, IL 2011: Norfolk, VA 2012: Omaha, NE 2013: Arlington, VA 2014: Louisville, KY |
Speech from South Korean Director of International Affairs for MPVA at 2014 reunion

Commemorative Remarks
Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs
Republic of Korea
2 August 2014, Louisville City, Kentucky State, USA
Good evening
Honorable Consul General
Korean War Veterans and Family Members
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen……
I am very honored to be with you as the representative of Korea’s Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs.
I would like to thank President Norwood, Korean Society and others for organizing this event…
It is a very meaningful occasion for all of us who gather to honor and remember the sacrifices of those who fought, bled, went missing, and especially suffered brutal captivity during the Korean War.
We are privileged to have with us one of your well known members, your historian, Mister Arden Rowley, who was 33 months a prisoner of war, and now is one of your greatest spokesmen and advocates (Mr. Rowley, Please stand up and give him a big round of applause)
Proud Ex-Prisoner of War Veterans!
I do not like to bring up and recall your pain, sufferings, sorrow and great sacrifice on this special occasion.
But the record and the fact is clear on how all of you must have suffered so long ago, for my country, for this Great Nation and for a Better World!
Nevertheless, our veteran paid a terrible price to safeguard freedom, the Korean War has often been termed the “Forgotten War.”
Yet who could ever forget for a minute the great bravery, sacrifice and sufferings of the veterans here today as well as around the world, the war has never been forgotten.
It is always with them! It is not a forgotten and fading memory, but a sharp reality in their hearts and minds.
Indeed, many who became prisoners of war had experienced the most bitter and brutal of the fighting in Korea.
We all know, the world now knows, that half of your comrades perished in those wretched prison camps, and all of you faced the greatest of dangers and deprivation, and hell, and agony for every day you were in captivity.
We also know that nearly 8,000 of your comrades are still unaccounted for, and the remains of thousands still are beneath the ground at the old prison camp sites.
After the Armistice Agreement, the prisoners of war began to be repatriated, the story of the bravery of all of you gradually became known, but not as well-known as it should have been!
Individual acts of bravery while prisoners of war became recognized in some cases, but not in enough!
The world must know that those held captive by the enemy in the North stood proud and resolute, even while starved and abused…
How can we ever repay you? It is impossible.
But we have tried, by maintaining the faith that you had in our South Korean People… by not wasting the victory and the freedom that you gave to us!
We have worked hard through all of the years since the war. We did to make Korea one of the most advanced and most democratic nations in the world! Because of you, we are achieving it.
Korean War Veterans! You did us all, so very proud.
All veterans here today ….please stand up and accept the salute of my nation!
On behalf of my government and the people of Korea, I solemnly express our deepest gratitude to each and every one of you!
Proud Korean War Veterans!
You may see Korea’s success and prosperity as your own doing, rising from the ashes of the war.
You may take pride in looking at today’s Dynamic Korea, skyscrapers, high buildings, booming businesses.
You may no longer feel forgotten if you come to my country and will experience our love, our appreciation and the modern Korea.
You deserve our unending honor, respect and appreciation, because you defended Korea and saved Korean people.
Dear Ex- Prisoner of Korean War Veterans!
If you can come to Louisville for this grand reunion… you can come to Seoul and Busan next year for another one!
Our Ministry will invite your group to our Korea… to your Korea, your second home, the country that you made free, under veterans Revisit Korea Program.
Please come, and let us show you our gratitude.
(To make this visit happen, please stay healthy. Please do not drink too much. Instead, drink a lot Korean Ginseng tea. Work out a daily basis so that we can see you next year.)
Korean War Veterans, you have always been, and will always be… Our Heroes!
God bless you all, Korean War Veterans and Family members
May God continue to bless this Great Nation, and this Great State of Kentucky!
Thank you very much.
Yongjin Jeon
Director of International Affairs Division
Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs
2009 – The Last Hawaii Reunion
It was a perfect day to begin a week of festivities honoring Ex-POWs. Event organizer, Nick Tsuyoshi Nishimoto is both happy and sad to see it come to an end. For Nishimoto, this particular pilgrimage marks both a celebration and a final farewell.
For the past decade, Nishimoto along with Tommy Tahara and Francis Yasutake have spent the better half of their years organizing Ex-POW Reunions. Each year, Ex-POWs come from around the United States to Hawaii to meet up with old friends, recall memories and honor those who never returned home.
The festivities began with a picnic at the Hale Koa on Waikiki beach. Ex-POW Bill Norwood said grace and many of the local Korean War Veterans prepared food and brought drinks. The following day began at 6:00 AM with a bus ride to the USS Arizona. Each year, Nishimoto organizes a private tour of the USS Arizona as well as a tour of Pearl Harbor. This year, Nishimoto greeted all the Ex-POWs with continental breakfasts before he rushed off to the hospital for 4 hours of dialysis. After the tour, we went to Ford Island to visit the Pacifi c Aviation Museum and visited Hickam Air Force Base for a beautiful lunch on the beach. The day concluded with a private tour of the Joint Pacifi c Accounting Command (JPAC) Identifi cation Laboratory.
Friday, April 9, 2009 was officially Ex-POW/MIA Recognition Day. Punchbowl National Cemetery hosted a Memorial Day service; organizations from all over the islands offered flowers. Joni Albao danced the hula to “What a Wonderful World.” Saturday culminated with the Sayonara Banquet at the Hale Koa. This was the second year Japanese American Living Legacy was invited to be a part of this celebration. For CEO, Susan Uyemura it was deeply moving to listen to the stories of each POW’s survival. “I am glad I live in a country that honors those willing to suffer the injustices of war; they are all heroes.” Uyemura has formed a strong bond with many of the Ex-POWs.
Although there will no longer be any formal reunions for this group, Punchbowl National Cemetery will continue to honor April 9th as Ex-POW/MIA Recognition Day.
Submitted by Susan Uyemura (Shoho)
April 2008
The Ex-POWs, Korean War, held their annual reunion in Honolulu, Hawaii earlier this month. Over 160 attendees gathered to honor the POW/MIA survivors and those who perished while defending our country during the Korean War. This reunion was organized by Nick Nishimoto, and assisted by Francis Yasutake and Tommy Tahara to commemorate and recognize the POW/MIA soldiers and veterans.
Nishomoto, along with retired Colonel Al Streck (master of ceremony), hosted the opening banquet on April 3, 2008 at the Hale Koa Hotel. The Consul General to South Korea and various military personnel welcomed all of the ex-POWs. During the banquet, ex-POWs described their individual stories; some of the stories were shared with a sense of humor. However the severity and cruelty of being a prisoner was never misplaced. Clarence Pang described one moment when he told his captors, “The best thing my grandmother ever did was leave your country!” This defiant comment earned him a brutal beating and had him literally thrown out the door. Shorty Estabrook had pogs made that read “Tiger’s Survivors” across them; Tiger was one of their most cruel punishers during captivity. Most of the ex-POWs knew “Tiger.” Tiger had a reputation for tormenting his prisoners on long marches; many did not survive.
President Bush signed a proclamation declaring April 9, 2008 as POW/MIA National Recognition Day.