Info Needed
Please help with any information you may be able to provide on the following listings. Click here to place a new request for information.
PVT James Coogan
Kristi-Lynn Gonzales is looking for any information regarding Private James Coogan, 1 CD Camp 1; her deceased grandfather.
Uisa-ri location needed
William K. (Bill) Norwood, the president of the Korean War Ex-POW Association, made a report in December 2012 in which he noted that the remains of CPT Turnace Hartwell Brown [Hq/57 FA Bn] were located at village of Uisa-ri, along with those of several other POWs. He noted the town was north of Chosin Reservoir where the team was not permitted to travel, but he did not indicate how much further north. I also assumed that it would be south of Kanggye.
Can someone please provide a LAT LON for said village?
Regis Carr; Brooks, GA
US Army (retired)
CPL Maxwell Dean Kitchen
Kitchen went MIA during the Battle of Unsan 11/2/50
He was in: L Co., 3rd Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Private First Class and posthumously promoted to Corporal. He was from Lawrence County, Kentucky.
For more information:
I have suspicions he was captured the same time Emil Kapaun was and perhaps held at Camp 5 too?
My family has no information on his death or possibly capture other than his missing date of 11/2/50 and then I believe was declared dead in 53 with no remains or info being found.
My name is Joshua Kitchen and he was my great-uncle. My email is

Payne, Hubert
Hubert Payne, taken prisoner 4/5 January Happy valley with the Royal Ulster rifles.
From Antony Payne
CPL John P. Pingree
My name is Kelli Pingree and I am seeking more information about my
father-in-law who was a POW in the Korean War. I found the information below on the Korean War Ex-POW website.
Name: John P. Pingree (CPL)
Unit 7D
Camp 5
Pyokdong near Pyoktong
He was held for 3 years, I believe during 1950-53 (maybe) I also know he received several medals for his time served which I think includes a Purple Heart.
He lived in CA and also in WA State where he passed in 2000. After being released he was married over 30 years and has 4 sons, 1 daughter and 8 grandkids.
If you have any other information and or photos, our family would be so grateful.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Kelli Pingree
James F. Chillis
I’m looking for any army picture of my uncle, his name is James F Chillis he was a prisoner in the Korean war from 1951 to 1953 at Pyok-Dong. Anything you would have or can find on him would be appreciated. My personal email is
Thank you, Melanie Richardson
I am trying to find out information regarding my uncle. His name was James F Chillis he was a POW.
Unfortunately he passed away about 20 years ago, he use to tell us stories of when he was captured back in 1950 but myself and family would like to know if you have any information that you might be able to share… Pictures, stories anything that you have would be very much appreciated
His name James F Chillis
Date of Capture 1950
Date of release 1953
Camp Pyok-Dong
My name is
Misty Dalton – niece
Valdez, Glicerio, Cpl
survivor from the bataan death march, also a survivor in 1953 from the korean war. 24D Camp 3
i am his granddaughter, he lived to be 103 years old. any other information would be greatly appreciated. Gliza Valdez
A Time to Remember – Randy Briere
Can you tell me where Randy Briere was confined and where was the burial site of the 1600?
David Claypool, Past Commander
Dept. of Minnesota EXPOWs
Alfred Patrick Perry
POW name- Alfred Patrick Perry HM CO.31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division.
POW place and date of capture (if known) Captured 30 November 1950 during fighting retreat from East of Chosin Resevoir, P’ ungnyuri Inlet. Deceased 10 Feb 1951. Alfred was my Uncle, my fathers brother.
POW Camp(s) (if known) Valley 1/ Little Death Valley. Died from exposure.
Any relevant information about the person in question. According the the DPAA and the map that they use to identify where the missing are buried in North Korea, there are are estimated to be 41 service members buried in this area. If any of you have family members missing and believed to be be buried there please contact me.
Your name Frank A. Perry
Your email address
SGT Kenneth Mahon
POW name SGT. Kenneth Mahon
POW place and date of capture (if known) 5/18/51
My great uncle SGT. Kenneth Mahon was taken pow on 5/18/51 and was presumed dead 6/30/51. His remains were never recovered. I am looking for any information anyone may have about him or to be in contact with someone who knew him.
Your name Lori Hannigan
Your email address
William Henry Harbert
My father served in the Korean War and was a liberated POW. I’m searching for men who served with him, passed away December 21, 1961, one week after I turned 3 yrs old.
Nathan Harbert
Joseph Carl Johnson
My grandpa Joseph Carl Johnson was POW for awhile..he died when I was 3 months old.
Roger McCabe
POW place and date of capture (if known) 18 May 1951
POW Camp(s) (if known)
Any relevant information about the person in question Released on 12 August 1953
Your name Jonathan Bajek
Your email address
PVT Batts, Nathaniel
PVT Batts, Nathaniel 29B
POW Place of Capture: Imjin River 1951
POW Camp 1
I would appreciate any information or pictures you have of my Grandad.
Thank you,
SGT. Batts, Stephanie
POW Murphy
From: Joe Tolosa
Subject: Korean War Ex-POW Association
I have been trying to locate a POW that was in my Basic Training Co. All I know is that his surname was Murphy and he was listed as from Rosemead, CA when the Big Switch names were listed in the Los Angeles Times in august 1953. I believe that he was in the 24th or 25th Division and taken prisoner perhaps late in 1951 WE were in Basic Training at CAmp Roberts, CA from Jan to May 1951..
Capt. Forest Archie Nelson USMC
Gentlemen, my name is Jon Nelson. My father was shot down n captured while flying ground support, on 6 Aug 1952 I do not what camp he was kept at but he was killed while in captivity. Should you have any further information regarding my father I would love to have it. Thank you
Joseph Spano
I sent this email in 2010 hoping to find out some information on my cousin Joseph Spano. Below is information in my original email of the camps he was at. Any information on his unit or fellow soldiers would greatly be appreciated.
Dear Sir,
My cousin Joseph Spano died on December 22, 2001.He was born and raised and died in Tampa Florida. He is listed in the Korean War Ex- Prisoners of War book written by a David Polk as a POW. My cousin never really talked much about his POW experience except once in awhile when he would say something and then would back off. The only document I have is a debriefing affidavit that was conducted in March of 1954 in Tampa Florida by a Captain Roger R Foeley at a Army Reserve Center.
In this affidavit he said he was captured May 19, 1951 by the Chinese but did not know exact place of capture. He goes on to say they marched him and other POW’S for about 3 weeks and came to a place they called Camp Pines during this time he could not see. He says that he departed this camp sometime in July 1951 and marched again for about 3 weeks coming to a Camp they called Mining Camp. From this camp he went to Pak Tong Hospital where he was given medical treatment. He left around October of 1951 and was sent to camp 2 where he stayed until he was released August 28, 1953.
I looked on your website but Joe is not listed in camp 2. If you or any other members have any information on him I would love to communicate with them. I did communicate with one of your members back in 2001 who said that Joe may have been at the May Massacre that happen in 1951. I do know that he and only about 6 other guys survived the attack when he was captured everyone else was killed. Joe was a BAR guy Browning Automatic Rifle. He might have been in Fox Company not sure.
I am a Deputy Sheriff and anyone can email me. I miss Joe he took a lot of time with me to show me how to shoot guns and I will never forget him. He was VERY patriotic. I was born in 1952 and was given his name as my middle name. I would appreciate any information you might have and thank you and the other POW Association for serving our great country. Joe was able to speak Italian and Spanish if this might help.
Carlo Joseph Spano
Rodney Cloutman
My Uncle was a POW in camp 1
He was captured Nov 26th 1950 when K co. 3rd Bn 9th reg of the 2nd ID was overrun during the Chongchon battle.
His name was Rodney Cloutman and he was a Captain at the time…I was told by another POW that my uncle was the company XO.
I would like to learn more about my uncles capture….is there anyone out there who can assist me…
Thank you for your service to our country…
Francis J. Robichaud
Sgt Jesse Douglas Hill
I have an uncle that is still over there and I’m exhausting every option I have available to help find him. I do know that his unit (1/32) was in a defensive/blocking position but, I don’t know if he was mixed in with other units or was a part of this blocking force. I also don’t know if he was in an area that was overrun or if he lost his way and wandered into the wrong lines. Anyways, I was hoping for your help. Anything would be greatly appreciated. Here is some more info I have on my uncle:
BORN: JANUARY 15, 1930
Alfred Charles Bordeau
The information on this page was provided by Duff Zube, Alfred C. Bordeau was his mother’s oldest brother. Bordeau was killed in a POW camp on June 30, 1951 almost to a year of being a POW.
webmaster note: Alfred Bordeau was a Tiger.
Photo with General Ridgeway
I was released from camp 4 on 1 Sep. 1953 and was greeted by Gen. Ridgeway. Our photo was taken by Msgt. Al Chang and a copy was to be sent to my parents in N.J. They never received it and there is no record of the photo in the National Archives in College Park, Md. In fact they have no photos at all which were taken of the POW’s after 31 Aug. 1953. The Director of the archives has no idea why there are no photos of the Operation Big Switch after 31 Aug 1953. If anyone can shed any light on this matter, and where the photos from 1 Sep 1953 are located, I’d appreciate it very much.
Bill Borer
Hampstead, NC
Request info about Robert W. Fleming
An exchange POW in Korea war/conflict
He is my 1st cousin and formerly a member of Boy Scout Troop 35, Memphis, TN.
He was featured as the POW from southern USA (Tennessee) in either Look or Life magazine after his release from the POW camp and again 10 years later one of those two magazines.
Collecting this information to re-establish contact and for use in the forthcoming centennial celebration of the Boy Scouts of America.
Any information you offer will be welcomed.
Thank you,
David Fleming
Pfc. John Bowers
Pfc. John Bowers was reported by the Chinese to have been killed in Camp 5 on May 3, 1951. His remains were finally returned and his funeral was two weeks ago. Today his sister visited me seeking answers and closure. About all I could tell her was there was no bombing attack on Camp 5 on that date. I am trying to help her find anyone who might have any information on her brother.
Elgin Volgara Randall
My name is Michael Paul Randall. My great-uncle died there and that is all we know. His name was Elgin Volgara Randall, from Alabama. I do not know what unit he was with. I was just wondering if there might be anybody that knew him, maybe remembers him. He was my grandaddy’a little brother. Nobody in the family knows what happened to him. It would be nice to know that he had a friend or two at the end. i cannot imagine.
peace to you, and thanks for any insight that you might have,
Hoengsong Massacre
In early March, 1951, I was a young Marine, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 1st Marines, in Korea. We advanced north from Hoengsong, Korea for about two miles and then entered into an area that I will never forget. There, scattered along that road for about a mile was the destroyed convoy of American military vehicles and men, such as we had never seen before or since. Hundreds of Americans lay dead among the vehicles, all along that stretch of road. I took part in rescuing several wounded Americans who had been left behind , after the Chinese marched several hundred prisoners north. This spot became known as “Massacre Valley” by the Marines. At that time, reporters and photographers were forbidden from taking pictures or reporting what they saw at that time. Very little was ever written about what happened or how many Americans and their equipment were destroyed. There was, in fact, a great cover-up of this disaster and it has been kept out of the official history books.
Now, after all of these years, I am trying to assist Mrs. Merry Helms, an accomplished author, in searching out the facts of what really happened back then and at that place. The American people aught to know. And, the men who either lost their lives, or became prisoners of war through that disaster should be honored and remembered for their sacrifices in behalf of their country.
I am therefore respectfully requesting your kindness and assistance in locating any survivors of the “Hoengsong Massacre” with whom we may be able to communicate and have them help us, in turn, to prepare and publish an accurate account of what took place and how it affected their individual lives. Those of us who served at that time are fast passing from this life and it is of urgent need that we record this story while some of the survivors are still with us. I trust that you can understand what I am saying and asking of you. Please help us in any way possible to find and contact living survivors of the “Hoengsong Massacre.”
We would like to contact any survivors who were there in February 1951.
Please accept our humble appreciation for any assistance you may be able to provide.
Jack M. Witter
e-mail address:
Marvin E King
I am looking for any information about the 371st Bomber Squadron (307th BG) and possibly photos of the unit while on Kadena AFB (Okinawa) in early 1951.
POW place and date of capture: April 12, 1951. Near Sinuiju, North Korea
POW Camps: “The Caves”, “Camp 12” and “Camp 2”
Dan King (his son)
William Charles Bradley
My Uncle William Charles Bradley went missing in action on 12/01/1950 near Kunu Ri due to an attack on a clogged roadway. He was a medic in the 9th Infantry Regiment 2nd ID. He did write home that he had been driving trucks as well. He was first considered KIA but that was changed to POW in 2008 after much research. I have been informed by DPMO that he died while in a temporary camp in January of 1951 due to pneumonia and malnutrition. A physician at the camp checked in on him frequently and confirmed that he died. It would be helpful if anyone could offer more information as I did promise my now deceased Mom that I wouldn’t give up. His remains are still in North Korea. He had brown eyes brown hair was a handsome man.
Donald Baer
Donald LaVern Baer
MIA/POW 7/20/1950
Defending Taejon Airport road
On Johnnie Johnson’s List
Apex Camp at Hanjang- Ni
K Co., 3rd B, 34th infantry regiment, 24th infantry Division.
These photos were taken at Camp Mower, Japan before being shipped to Korea. Donald Baer is seated on the left side in these two photos. I’m wanting to know the names of the other three men in the photos. I would also love to hear from someone who knew my brother in Japan or Korea.
Janet Baer Baril
E-mail at:
Thank you for any information!!
John Henry Schuman
Will Schuman is looking for anyone who knew his father, John Henry Schuman. He was captured 7/20/1950. He was on the Tiger March. i have more info if you need it. Thank You. My phone # is 512-272-5347
Nielsen-Henderson List
We’re trying to shed some light on the Nielsen-Henderson List.
As men were being brought down from the prison camps in August 53, they were
housed in Kaesong awaiting their names to be called in freedom Village just
a few miles away. While there they got to know each other until their names
were called and freed.
As the story goes, our government was only calling for the known POWs, so
when their list was finished, they folded up tables & chairs and started
taking down the tent. Ex-pows started yelling out, “where’s Allen, Beardall,
Bell? Where’s Brennen, Culbertson, Dougherty, Gross & Guthrie? What about
Hamblin, Hawkins, Koontz, Martin, Miller, and Rountree? They were with us
in Kaesong. Why didn’t they get released?”
It was too late. Our government only requested the known POWs, so the rest
were loaded up and hauled north never to be heard from again.
We need help from your membership in identifying the other men left in
John Zimmerlee
Exec Dir, Korean & Cold War POW/MIA Network
Cell 770-565-4420
3342 Brickey Ln
Marietta GA 30068
Glacel Emmette Perry
POW name – Glacel Emmette Perry
POW place and date of capture (if known) – July 19, 1950 – August 26, 1953
Camp 3
Born – November 15, 1930 – WV – Barbour
Died – June 09, 2007 – Mt. Sterling OH.
34th Infantry Regiment – 24th Infantry Division
Your name – Shawn Perry II
Your email address –
I am the grandson of Glacel E Perry. I didn’t see my grandfather offten growing up. So there is a large hole that never got filled. I know he struggled with his memories and refused to talk about what had happened. Im just hoping you have any information maybe a picture? I don’t know if he attended any reunions. Thank you for your time and I will patiently await your response.
PFC John H. Coskey
I am assisting the sister of the late PFC John H. Coskey. He was a member of Co. K, 3rd BN, 21st INF, 24th DIV., when he was captured near Chochiwon on or about 28 JUL 1950. He was reported to have died in a POW camp near Chungangjin on 28 NOV 1950.
Today, I saw an on-line story about PFC James R. Holmes. His remains were recently identified through DNA and he will finally be buried at Arlington on 29 MAY 2014. The fact that caught my eye was that Holmes and Coskey were both in Company K. I have already started a search for any remaining members of PFC Holmes’s family.
My goal is to find someone in Company L who knew PFC Coskey and is willing to speak with his 85 year old sister.
Edward L. Brill, LTC, EN, USAR (ret),
PFC Herbert E. Buik Jr.
My brother belonged to the Tiger Group and was listed on Johnnie Johnson’s list. He served in C Company, 1st Battalion of 27 Infantry Regiment 25th infantry D. POW on 26 July,1950 Camp: Manpo. He is buried close to the Chinese border. Apex camps, I also found out he died in Oct. 1950 and was buried on a hill by a fellow POW.
Please contact Maxine Hall,
Webmasters note: Shorty Estabrook notified me that PFc Buik was not with the Tiger Survivors. If anyone remembers this gentleman, I’m sure his sister would appreciate hearing from you.
Sergeant First Class Deward E. Quarles
My father Deward e quarles (see below) was a POW in Korea. Maybe there are photos or records of his stay. I would be happy if they can help me.
Sergeant First Class Deward E. Quarles, 9th inf. regt. 2nd Inf Div. (he was born on 29 June 1919), United States Army, which held as a Prisoner of War after he captured what falling on the Korean War on 1 December 1950 and which held until his release on 4 September 1953 after the signing of the Armistice.
the residence of my father was probably in the POW camp Pyoktong bearing 2, 5 or 7
my name is eduard fuerst, my e-mail address is eduard.fuerst @
Cpl Glenace H Shaw
I am looking for information on my cousin Cpl Glenace Shaw. He was taken as a POW near the Yalu River. My Aunt was told that he was captured by the Chinese in December of 1950. He was last seen in a motor convoy shortly before his capture. Her first telegram stated he was MIA . On December 19, 1950, my aunt got word that her sons name was mentioned in a propaganda broadcast when he was listed as a POW. She then received a telegram from the Chinese that her son died in a prison camp. He apparently had taken ill, was tied to a tree and died. Date of death was listed as March 6,1951 however this was never confirmed by the US War Dept. I am hoping that someone may have known him and has any information about him and what happened to him.
Thank you very much, I look forward to hearing from you.
Hugh Shaw
USN Veteran, retired Fire Chief Luke AFB
James “Jim” Alkire
Looking for any info Re: James “Jim” Alkire. He was a P-51 pilot disappeared on a mission. Was on the last list of “presumed dead” released after the POW release.
Any one encounter him in a POW camp?
Thanks for any help you can provide.
Lee Elliott
2350 Camberly Cr
Melbourne, FL 32940
phone: 321-433-0704
Al Whaley, 1LT Paul T. O’Dowd, Jr., LTC Carl L. Aubrey , Cpl Ray P. Cooper
My father, Al Whaley, was a POW in “Pok’s Palace” on the outskirts of Pyongyang.
My Dad died there in May of 1951, but 3 men mentioned him in their repatriation briefing.
1LT Paul T. O’Dowd, Jr. 0955768 13th FA Bn, 2nd ID
LTC Carl L. Aubrey 8267A USAF
Cpl Ray P. Cooper ER17263750 B Co 38th Inf Reg Corpus Christie TX?
Just wondered if any of these men were “still with us”?
Please send any information you may have to MAJ Elwin I Whaley at
Milton Purdee Stith, POW
Milton Purdee Stith, DOB 3/1/1925. My father, now deceased, enlisted at age 15-17, lying about his age. He escaped his prison in a truck which the Koreans blew up. Dad played dead and was rescued by the Salvation Army w/a broken neck. Please anyone who can assist w/ info let me know or if you know of a website I can hit on. Thank you.
Korean American Association of Kentuckiana
Dear Korean War Ex-POWs, My name is K. John Yun, M.D. who is current President of Korean American Association of Kentuckiana. I happen to run across your website during my google search and would like to extend my personal thank you and also to welcome all of you to Louisville for your reunion. On behalf of our association, if there is anything we can do to help make your reunion a success, please let me know. We would be extremely honored to be included in your program. I may be reached at, or my cell phone number is (270) 300-4582. Thank you and I will be looking forward to your reply.
Native American Veterans Survey
I am a Cherokee Veteran of the Iraq/Afghanistan war on terror, and currently a graduate student at Washington State University studying Community Counseling. I’m trying to get the word out to Native American Veterans to take a survey that is approved through WSU. The purpose of this survey is to assess the Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions regarding PTSD for Native American Veterans. This population of Veterans has had very few studies done regarding Attitudes, Beliefs, and Perceptions toward PTSD. I am hoping as leaders of your organization that you would send out this survey to your members. Your members do not need to have been deployed or have PTSD to do the survey. The survey will provide us with valuable information that can impact the kinds of services Native American Veterans receive in the future, but only if we get enough participants for the academic community (including the VA) to take notice. Also, for the purposes of this survey Native American means anyone who identifies as being at least part Native Alaskan, Native American, Native Hawaiian, Native Guamanian, or Native Puerto Rican.
Please consider filling this survey out, and passing it along to others (such as AVVA chapter members, Friends from the service, ect.). Thank you for your service, time, and consideration.
Matthew Hale
info. on Theodore Clarence Burch
I’m looking for information on Theodore Clarence Burch during his time of service. He was a Korean War POW. I’d like to learn what camp(s) he’d been in, when/where he escaped, and where he was sent to recover from his wounds when found by a US convoy in a paddy field. Just about anything on his life during his service. Denise