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Please check out our “Info Needed” section regularly. We add new requests as they are received.
These requests can come from family members seeking information on their loved ones or from those who are researching the experience of POWs in the Korean War.
Looking for anyone who knew my father John Henry Schuman. He was captured 7/20/1950. He was on the Tiger March.i have more info if you need it. Thank You. My phone # is 512-272-5347
Check with the Korean War Project via the internet. I was in touch years ago of a former POW who was on that march. His last name was Esterbrook or close to this. Tiger is the name given to a North Koren Officer who was as bad can be. A Lt.POW pissed him off and the NK shot him in the face killing him. Esterbrook and a few others had a reunion every year. I can’t say if he is still living but Korean War Project folks can give you that information,
Looking for anyone that knew or served with my uncle:
BORN: JANUARY 15, 1930
Always thankful,
Jeff Rabedeau
(239) 699-9668
Hill went missing on Dec 2, 1950.
My Uncle was Katsuki Tanigawa. He was born 12-15-17, Sgt. First Class. Serial# 30103614. He was at Camp Pyok-Dong. Date Captured: Nov. 4, 1950 and Date Released: Sept. 5, 1953.
He was my Dad Mineo’s brother. I know that he self published a small, hardcover book with his picture on the front, dressed in his uniform. The book was about his POW experiences. I have seen this book only once at my Aunt Lillian’s (his sister) house in the late 1990’s. She died in 2008, and the book vanished. I would like to know if anyone who served with him has a copy of his book, and would be willing to send me a digital copy. My Dad didn’t have the book. If he did, I never saw it. My Uncle Katsuki died in 2009, and my Dad died in 2010.
Susan (Tanigawa) Hironaka
Home: 808-332-9894
iphone: 808-651-3281
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 819
Kalaheo, HI 96741
I lived with your Uncle on the Island of Roi Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, from
1967 through 1969. We were Roommates in a bachelor officers quarters in an army project, called Altair. Tani, as he was affectionately called by most, was a delight, teaching me about Japan and how to use Ohashi. I will be on Kauai, the first 2-weeks of April, and would be interested to have a coffee with you to discuss if you’d like. The last time I saw Katsuki and Toshiko, was in Honolulu, Waikiki condo. Bill Race 808.897.3088
I would like to see biographies of the remaining survivors. Stories told by them before they die. You are running out of time.
We have a sections with stories and biographies, see “The POW Experience”.
Sgt. Charles Zitka must have been at POW camp 4 along the Yalu river. He and others escaped probably via the river as it had no fence, and survived by burning huts so the residents would leave their outdoor meals to save the hut. He was beloved by the family for his delightful sense of humor. Died in 2002.
I am not using e mail right now because it has been flooded with political requests for support. But my info comes through Largo Fla public library and its genealogy dept. Joan Johnson