Republic of Korea Ambassador For Peace Medal
The Ambassador For Peace Medal, from the Republic of Korea, is a commemorative medal from the government of South Korea. In the past it was awarded to those veterans of that war who choose to return to South Korea on a revisit. Now it is available to all who served in Korea during the Korean War. Next of kin can also request this medal.
To learn more, use this link:
This medal is available as well if you want to buy one. Very costly.
Shorty Estabrook
(Henry Arakaki told me about this.)
Civilian Tiger POWs
The civilian group with us in captivity were not turned over to the Chinese like we were, with one exception: Kiyohito Tsutsui, a Japanese National who was KP for an artillery unit. He came to Korea with that unit and was captured with us. He was called “Mike”. When we were turned over to the Chinese all the Officers went to the Officers camp as did Mike. Mike was repatriated at the same time we were. 22 Civilians perished in captivity which was 17%. But they are also included in the total of 58% who perished.
All the other Civilians were sent to Ujang-ni and remained under the control of the North Koreans. One more of them died there. He was Illan Kijikoff, a Russian. Those from Europe were released via the China-Trans Siberian Railroad to Moscow, where they were met by their Embassys and sent on home. And so were the Americans.
However, some were released on March 3, 4, 5, 9 1953, before we were. 18 remained because they were stateless. They were all living in South Korea when arrested.
- Farid Salahudtin
- Alim Salahudtin (the father of that family)
- Hamid Salahudtin
- Faiza Salahudtin (The mother of that family)
- Murat Salahudtin
- Sagid Salahudtin (Author of STATELESS. Changed his name to Salah.)
- Shaucat Salahudtin
- Saida Salahuditn (Hanmore) (The only daughter of that family.)
- Sultan Ahmet (Brother of Fazia)
- Sultan Sophia (Sister of Fiaza)
- Kilin Ivan (father of the Kilin family)
- Kilin Marusya (mother of the Kilin family)
- Kilin Nicolai (Son)
- Kilin Georgi (son)
- Kilin Olga (daughter)
- Vorosoff Dimitri (father of Alexsei)
- Vorosoff, Marsara (Daulasch) (Mother of Alexsei)
- Vorosoff, Alexsei (Son)
All of the above were Tatars (of Turkic origin), with the exception of Dimitri Vorosoff who was Russian. He and his wife Masara were married in captivity and she had Alexsei while still in captivity.
The Kilin family were Russian. In the past I listed all the Tatars as Russians. Forgive a humble oversight. We did not have any Turks with us.
The 18 Stateless people were not released until march 1954. If you are interested in how they came to freedom you should read “Stateless”.

from Shorty Estabrook, July 2022
Tiger Survivor Facts
22 Died while in captivity. 58% of the entire group of Tiger Survivors died in captivity. Many were shot, or died from prolonged exposure, starvation and other medical conditions usually from pneumonia. A few froze to death.
The three oldest of this group were born in 1874! 18 more were born from 1876 to 1898! 30 more were born from 1900 to 1953. One was born in captivity!
There were 9 Nuns and 11 priests, two of them were Bishops. One Commissioner of the Salvation Army, who arrived in North Korea in 1918. Six from the Methodist Mission in South Korea and a Rabbi who died in North Korea because he needed Rice! He was a Doctor of note from Austria. Hard to believe but he was denied rice. He also survived three death camps in Germany during WW2. Also, Phillippe Gigantis AKA Philip Dean, a reporter covering the war for the London Observer, ended up as a Senator for life in Canada.
Many of the civilians have written books about their captivity.
Nellie Dyer, with the Methodists, was in Korea during the Japanese annexation and she had to leave when we declared war on Japan in 1941. She went to the Philippines to join the Methodist there. When the Japanese came she was arrested and survived. Helen Rosser, also with the Methodists returned to South Korea and established Boys Town on Freedom Island in South Korea.
Bishop Patrick Byrnes of Washington DC died the first winter In North Korea. The church has tried for years to get his remains to no avail. He was raised in a house in Washington which was torn down and the Supreme Court was build in its place. In 1921, as a young priest, he arrived in Korea near where we were held.
Two families were also with us. One family included the father, mother, five children, an aunt and uncle. The other family were White Russians with the father, mother, and 3 children.

One was the manager of the Chosun Hotel in Seoul and also seven South Korean Politicians. None of the South Korean Politicians were ever released. Some went to work for the North Korean Government.
Sagid Salah, the eldest son of the large family mentioned above now has a book out entitled Stateless, which I wrote the forward to. His father, with us as well, fought in the Russian Revolution during 1917-1921, against the communists.
George Blake became a double agent after he returned to England, where he worked for British intel. He died at age 96 in Russia a few years ago.
Two of the civilians, a Nun from France and a Japanese who came with an American unit to Korea in July 1950, were awarded a Medal of Freedom with Palm.
This is but a little bit of information about this group.
One begs to ask why all those aged civilians were arrested and taken north in the first place. They loved the Korean people and had been in Korea for many years.
The Tiger Survivor group has accounted for everyone with us in captivity. Everybody! From Shorty. I was one of the over 700 Military captured with this group. Shorty Estabrook, 14 May 2022
Beyond the Bridge of No Return: Legacy of a Korean War Veteran
The Koreqn War Legacy Foundation produced a documentary titled “Beyond the Bridge of No Return: Legacy of a Korean War Veteran.” which features P.O.W. Arden Rowley and his great grandson, Cayden Sherwood. They went to Korea last July for the filming of the documentary. It is very well done.
It may be seen on the following website DVDs will be available by the end of June.
Tribute to Bill Norwood

Bill & Liz Norwood
A tribute to Bill Norwood was dedicated yesterday, Saturday, June 9, 2018.
see the whole story here:,81594